Indian Super League club Bengaluru FC on Wednesday announced that they were parting ways with head coach Carles Cuadrat. “Bengaluru FC and Carles Cuadrat have parted ways by mutual consent,” the club posted on Twitter.
Assistant coach Noushad Moosa will now don the hat of interim coach with immediate effect.
Cuadrat was in his fifth season with the club. For two seasons, he served as an assistant to Albert Roca before he took charge as Head Coach.
“After deep deliberation with the management, we feel the club needs to head in a new direction – one where the ethos and philosophy of Bengaluru FC begins reflecting again. While we enjoyed success with Carles in the past, we felt there was a departure from the philosophy that we hold true this season, which prompted us to arrive at this decision,” said Parth Jindal, Director, Bengaluru FC.
The move comes in the midst of a dismal season for the side from Bengaluru. Bengaluru FC has suffered three straight league defeats in the ISL 2020-21, the first-time since they broke into the elite tier of Indian football.