Actor Shah Rukh Khan, who celebrated his 55th birthday in Dubai where the IPL is taking place, took to his Instagram account to show the beautiful image of Burj Khalifa that was lit with images of King Khan on its outer wall to honour him on his special day.
The authorities at Dubai’s iconic Burj Khalifa decided to honour the star and seems like Badshah of Bollywood was truly impressed.
“It’s nice to see myself on the biggest and tallest screen in the world. My friend #MohamedAlabbar has me on the biggest screen even before my next film. Thanks & love u all @burjkhalifa & @emaardubai . Being my own guest in Dubai… my kids mighty impressed and me is loving it!,” he posted with the tower in the background.
Filmmaker Karan Johar also shared a video in which he can be heard saying, “Say hi to everyone – bhai you have to turn here. Say something – about the love you are getting” to which the 55-year-old replied, “Thank you everybody, thank you Emaar, thank you Mohammad, lots of love to you all.”
The actor, on Monday, thanked his fans for their continued love and support while promising that he will celebrate the day in a bigger, better way next year.