Microsoft, on Thursday, finally announced about their new next-generation Windows 11. The update, which is knowns as the %u2018next generation of Windows, will have a new Start Menu and Taskbar.
Microsoft is also adding Teams Integration to Windows 11. It is placed in the taskbar and it will let you directly make calls or video calls even if other users are using other devices such as Mac. Microsoft has also added a feature called %u2018Windows Widgets%u2019 to the new update and it is a personalised feed that%u2019s power by AI.
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Gaming mode in Windows 11
With Windows 11, Microsoft is promising superior graphics with HDR and all the games will automatically be converted to HDR mode. Xbox game pass is also built into Windows 11 with the help of the Xbox app.
Windows 11 is touch-friendly
Windows 11 has a better touch mode, especially when the tablet mode is on. With Windows 11, two applications can be used side by side and it also added haptic feedback for the stylus. They have also added a new touch keyboard, that has features such as theme, swipe typing, and emojis.
Also Read: Explained: Why Microsoft finally dumped Internet Explorer
Android App in Windows 11
Microsoft is bringing Android apps to Windows 11 and these apps are integrated with the taskbar. The apps will be available in the Windows app store.
Microsoft also has some good news for movie junkies. They have redesigned their entertainment section to highlights movies and shows, which are available on the Microsoft store.