Amid the ongoing debate over privacy and data protection, Google, Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai says he does not change his password often. Yes, you read it right. The Google CEO does not change his password and protecting data, he wants users to adopt the “two-factor authentication” system, which he says is more safe and reliable than changing passwords.
The Indian-born Google CEO, in an interview with BBC, shared a few tips to help users arrive at their privacy needs.
Talking about two-factor authentication, Sundar Pichai says that multiple protection ensures that a one-off attempt to scramble the password is not successful while hacking into the system.
When Sundar Pichai was asked about the increase in surveillance policies in different nations and different internets, he said, “A free and open internet is a tremendous force for good and we take it for granted a bit.”
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Different internets means different laws about content online and the definition of what is “offensive.”
“In some ways, I think we pull back from the bigger picture (which is that) many countries around the world are restricting the flow of information and drawing much more rigid boundaries,” Sundar Pichai told BBC, his statement came as he noted the ongoing debate over what constitutes free speech in each country.
When asked about whether the Chinese model of the internet based on surveillance is in the ascendant, Pichai said the free and open internet “is being attacked”.
Pichai also talked about data controversies and artificial intelligence as the up-and-coming revolution in the world of technology and what is else is expected in terms of digital data development.
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According to Pichai, over the next quarter of a century, two other developments will further revolutionise our world: artificial intelligence and quantum computing.
“I view it as the most profound technology that humanity will ever develop and work on,” he told BBC.
When he was asked about his Indian roots, the Tamil-born said, although he is an American citizen, India remains rooted “deeply” within him.
“It is a big part of who I am,” said Sundar Pichai.