Actor Raaj Singh Arora, who was recently seen in Sanjay Dutt and Rahul Dev starrer ‘Torbaaz’, says that the Over the Top (OTT) platform is like a blessing for young actors. “It is like an ocean with no more big fishes. It is all about the big characters or the big stories,” he told Opoyi in an interview.
“Even if you have a small presence in the story but if you are able to put in your feet high in that or you are able to do something different or give an outstanding performance in that, you will definitely be noticed. So I will definitely say that OTT as a platform has given recognition to many actors who were not interested in doing television but were willing to be a part of really good content,” he added.
Arora played the role of a cricket coach in Girish Malik directorial that depicts a story about child suicide bombers in Afghanistan.
He says that for every newcomer to make his or her place in the industry, staying original is the key.
“Don’t think of copying anyone, their style, their pattern of work. The more genuine you are, the more relatable you are to yourself you will be able to approach people better. The moment you get influenced by a person or their performance, it won’t work. You need to figure out a way for yourself. Start experimenting with yourself.
“Nowadays, people are more worried about their appearance as to how it will look but they should be more worried about what you are going to deliver,” he said.
Finally, he says that working with Sanjay Dutt was a great learning experience.
“When you work with somebody like Sanjay Dutt you get to learn a lot. You get to know how they approach a particular scene or a situation. Generally, people think that they have a pattern around but that is not the case. They have just mastered the art of acting. In one scene they are laughing and immediately the next scene could be an emotional one and they pull off both perfectly.
“What I have learnt from him is that you should give your 100 percent to the character when you are on the set,” said Arora, whose next project is a south Indian movie.