Alanna Panday, cousin of Bollywood actress Ananya Panday, took the internet by storm with her recent reel on Instagram. Sporting a white bikini, she is seen posing in the middle of a clear water body with Lo-Fi music enhancing the picturesque setting.
As she sits on the rock, the 25-year-old Internet sensation playfully throws water on the camera as it gets closer to her. The video features multiple wide shots of the red rocks of Arizona surrounding her.
The comment section under the post has been flooded with fire and heart emojis by her fans.
Also read: Twin brothers go viral after their %u2018One Dance%u2019
Panday is on a vacation with her boyfriend Ivor McCray, to the Grand Canyon State of Arizona. In her last upload, she was wearing a brown-toned dress from the American brand ‘Fashion Nova’. She tagged the brand and captioned the photo, “Finding secret beaches in the middle of nowhere%u201D.
Originally from Maharashtra, Alanna Panday is currently in a live-in relationship with Ivor McCray. McCray has multiple times made appearances on Panday%u2019s Instagram feed.