Priyanka Chopra Jonas and husband Nick Jonas took the stage to announce the Academy Award nominations via global live stream on March 15. As per tradition, some of the nominees made little sense, some snubs defied logic, diversity threatened to transcend merit, while others deserved their long-awaited moment in the sun, reports Film Companion.
So time now to predict who will win the Oscar this year.
Best Picture: According to Film Companion, ‘Nomadland’ is the odds-on favourite, given that it has swept pretty much all the Best Picture awards so far. The universe has finally woken up to the genius of Chloe Zhao, even if it isn’t for her finest film yet.
Best Director: It’s the first time in Oscar history two women are competing for Best Director, though there is little doubt that Chloe Zhao will follow in the footsteps of Kathryn Bigelow. Irrespective of the records and labels, in the end, the best filmmaker of the year will win for one of the best movies of the year. That is rare and fair.
Also read: ‘Nomadland’ revs up Oscar hopes with Hollywood producers award
Best Actor in a Leading Role: Chadwick Boseman gave it his all in ‘Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom’, and consequently all signs point towards his heartbreaking victory in a race.
Best Actress in a Leading Role: Expect the immense and perpetual Viola Davis to pull off a lead-acting sweep for ‘Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom’.
Best Actor in a Supporting Role: Both ‘Judas’ and the ‘Black Messiah’ have been nominated in the same category, but expect ‘Get Out’ star Daniel Kaluuya to land his first trophy for the restrained primality of his role as betrayed Black Panther Party chairman Fred Hampton.
Best Actress in a Supporting Role: Maria Bakalova must win.
Best Original Screenplay: The only person who can beat Aaron Sorkin here is Aaron Sorkin. His directing skills are questionable and excitable, almost snatching away a potential Screenplay win. But he is at the forefront, because the acting nods for ‘The Trial of the Chicago 7’ are also credited to his writing prowess.
Best Adapted Screenplay: ‘Nomadland’ is a Best Picture frontrunner. Do the math.