India’s favourite couple, Priyanka and Nick are always upto something fun. They often post cute pictures with their dog on Instagram and seem head over heels in love with each other. But did you know they cannot work out together? Well, recently, Priyanka opened up about how difficult it was for the couple to work out because PeeCee is too competitive!
During her recent appearance on the Drew Barrymore Show, Priyanka told the host that working out with Nick ended as soon as it began because she was super competitive.
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra’s precious reply to Nick Jonas’ request for signed copy of ‘Unfinished’
Priyanka has been on a career high since the beginning of 2021. After the release of “The White Tiger” which garnered huge recognition from fans all over the world, PeeCee recently lauched her book titled, “Unfinished”. She also launched a haircare brand called “Anomaly Haircare” and we cannot wait to see more of her in films this year.
Priyanka Chopra Jonas will next be seen in the Amazon Prime Video original series, Citadel.