Singer Billie Eilish, in a recent interview, recapped her journey across the year 2021. She received seven Grammy award nominations this year and the title track she composed for the movie “No Time to Die,” along with her brother, also got immense love.
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The singer’s second album, named “Happier Than Ever,” became an instant hit. HER vogue interview, which took place subsequently after the release of her album, expanded her audience to new territories and demographics.
Billie Eilish, who released her first song, “Ocean Eyes” at the age of 13, told The Guardian in the interview that “I was always very scared of getting older – I dreaded it. And honestly, I have almost only found, besides a few hiccups, that I’ve been enjoying just having a little adulthood. Doing things for the first time like getting gas and doing laundry and calling your doctor on your own.”
However, Eilish was “super-worried” about her second album because “The bigger you get, the more people hate your guts.” Little did she know that the album would reach such great heights.
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The singer had an emotional return to live music through a documentary named “Billie Eilish: The World’s a little Blurry.” Eilish told The Guardian that she “sobbed her way through” when the documentary aired in February.
She added that “To see how young I was then and how much was going on and what I dealt with and coped with. I was also being proud of myself and also pitying myself and also being kind of envious of that girl, the 16-year-old me who was just so fearless and carefree.”
Eilish also posted on her Instagram her Mairyln-Styled UK Vogue cover this May, which received a million likes in just a span of six minutes. Although many people responded to her post saying that she looked like a changed person, she in fact felt more confident after her shoot. She told The Guardian that “I hated the way I looked before – I don’t love it now, but I feel a little more confident in myself and I’ve gotten a lot more proud of who I am and more open to things. I think [that shoot] opened my mind up for having an open mind in the future.”
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By playing at the 24-hour Global Citizen event, the singer increased her involvement as an environmental activist as well.
The interview ended when The Guardian asking about her plans for the upcoming year to which she replied, “Gosh, I don’t know. There are so many unknowns, you know. I’ll just say I hope for joy and happiness and love and that’s really what I want. I don’t really care about anything else.”