Actor Priyanka Chopra posted a photo on Instagram to tell husband Nick Jonas how much she misses him. The couple, who was recently in Los Angeles for Billboard Music Awards, are now in different cities for their work. Priyanka poured her heart out in the post with a photo of Nick Jonas – a closer look at it reveals a kiss-shaped lipstick stain on the 28-year-old singer. “My lipstick on his fade%u2026miss u already,” wrote Priyanka
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Earlier in April, Priyanka shared a similar post about missing her partner-in-crime: “Miss you so much my love,” she wrote. Looks like Priyanka was in London at that time while Nick was in Los Angeles.
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Meanwhile, on Sunday, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas were at the Billboard Music Awards in Los Angeles together. He was the host and she was a presenter. Priyanka, in a custom Dolce Gabbana ensemble, set the red carpet on fire. Nick Jonas complemented her in green.
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On the work front, Priyanka will be seen in ‘Text For You’ and the fourth part of ‘Matrix’ movie. Nick Jonas currently appears as a coach on a reality TV show ‘The Voice’.