With the Supreme Court of the US showing a proactive work style and giving a flurry of verdicts on pending issues, former US President Donald Trump’s tax records are the most recent to be found in the crosshairs of the court on Monday. The highest judicial body of the US, which has a conservative majority on the bench, allowed Cyrus Vance, a New York County District Attorney, to get free access to Trump’s tax records. 

The verdict is expected to open floodgates of legal accountability for the former President. The investigation was initiated by Vance to look into any exploitation of legal loopholes to boost the value of any properties held by Trump in order to pick up better loans from the market, however, went on to reveal substantial details about Trump’s election campaign and the source of the payments made in 2016. 

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With the tax records now available for detailed investigations by the prosecutors, any legal fallacies, shortcomings and violations that have been carried out by Trump’s businesses, the former President is once more in the spotlight. 

Vance, since the start of his investigation, has often reiterated that his findings can reveal possible instances of tax evasion and fraud. 

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Mazars USA, an accounting firm that has been handling the business ledgers of Trump, has been ordered to comply with the granted subpoena and hand over the required records. 

“The work continues,” the prosecuting lawyer said in a statement after the landmark verdict given by the Supreme Court.