The Metropolitan Police Department and the Secret Service are currently investigating an incident involving a potential break-in at a government vehicle outside the Georgetown residence of Naomi Biden, the granddaughter of President Joe Biden. Sources familiar with the situation report that possibly three individuals attempted to break into the vehicle.

The Secret Service, while not identifying the protectee, stated that on Sunday night, just before midnight in Washington, D.C.’s Georgetown neighborhood, Secret Service agents encountered individuals breaking a window on a parked and unoccupied government vehicle. A federal agent discharged a service weapon during the encounter, and it is believed that no one was struck. The individuals promptly fled the scene in a red vehicle, and law enforcement issued a regional lookout to aid in their apprehension. The Secret Service emphasized that there was no threat to any protectees during the incident.

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It remains unclear whether Naomi Biden was aware of the commotion during the incident, but sources suggest she was informed afterward. The incident is currently under investigation by both the DC Metropolitan Police Department and the Secret Service.

Who is Finnegan Biden?

Finnegan Biden is the granddaughter of Joe Biden, the 46th President of the United States. Born on November 20, 2000, Finnegan is the daughter of Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s second son. Due to her family’s prominent political position, Finnegan has been in the public eye, and her life has been subject to media attention.

Finnegan Biden, along with her younger sister Maisy Biden, was part of the Biden family during the 2020 presidential campaign. The Biden family has been known for maintaining a close-knit bond, and the grandchildren, including Finnegan, were occasionally seen at campaign events, though they generally keep a low profile.

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Finnegan Biden’s educational and professional pursuits are not extensively covered in the public domain. Given her age and the protective approach the Biden family takes regarding their privacy, detailed information about her personal life, education, or career is limited.