Bhutan, which was largely protected from the novel coronavirus, for the first time on Tuesday went into lockdown, reported news agency AFP. With a total population of 800,000, the country has recorded 113 COVID-19 cases and is one of the few nations to have reported zero deaths so far.
Lotay Tshering, Prime Minister of Bhutan and a doctor by profession, said that the lockdown initiated allowed essentials items only for five to six days and he urged everybody to stay at home to protect themselves from the virus, reported AFP. The decision on the lockdown was taken in a meeting of the coutry’s coronavirus task force.
“Everyone is asked to stay home to protect themselves from the disease, should there be undetected, rampant transmissions,” a statement from Tshering’s office said.
The announcement came after a Bhutanese woman who had returned from Kuwait was released from quarantine after 30 days of testing positive. Three rapid antibody tests were positive during her quarantine period, during which she was asymptomatic, but six PCR tests were all negative. She was released on July 26. The seventh PCR test came positive on Monday but as she had left the quarantine, she was found socialising with her family and friends. 210 people are suspected to have come in contact with her.
After the announcement was made, many rushed into shops to fill in the essentials such rice, vegetables and eggs, AFP reported.