The worldwide popular American television show ‘Friends’, which aired from 1994 to 2004 for 10 seasons, is coming back with a reunion episode. Filming for the one-hour unscripted special has been completed and fans are being treated with the pictures both officially and unofficially. 

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“That’s a wrap! Could we BE anymore excited!? Friends: The Reunion is coming to @hbomax. #friendsreunion,” the official account of Friends posted on Instagram on Sunday with an image of the episode’s poster.

Meanwhile, Matthew Perry, who played Chandler Bing in the show, posted a picture from his green room of the much-hyped special. However, he deleted the post within a few minutes but fans were quick to take its screenshot. The image is now being circulated on fan pages.

On Friday, one of Jennifer Aniston’s oldest friends, Andrea Bendewald, shared pictures of herself sipping on coffee at Warner Bros Studio, which were taken down too.

Here are some other photos from the reunion episode that have gone viral on the internet.

Notably, the reunion was first going to be shot in March 2020 in front of a live audience but got delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic. 

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David Schwimmer, who played the character of Ross Gellar in the show, said at the Graham Norton Show, “I’ll be myself. I’ll be David. We’re not in character … we’re all ourselves, the real people.” 

Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry, and David Schwimmer will reprise their original roles in the special episode.