Kentaro Miura, a Japanese manga author known for his popular dark fantasy, Berserk, has passed away at the age of 54. According to a statement by Berserk publisher Hakusensha, he died on May 6 from an acute aortic dissection. 

Miura’s best-known creation Berserk began serialisation back in 1989 and featured a journey of revenge by a young warrior traveling through the medieval-inspired universe.

Praised for its intricate illustrations, Berserks’ impact can be seen in multiple works of fiction and video games around the world. Video games like Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Final Fantasy alongside manga and anime such as Demon Slayer, and Castlevania all bear the mark of Miura’s influence.

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News of Miura’s death was received with a shock by his fans. “All us editors sincerely pay for his repose, expressing our deepest respect and appreciation for his work,” the Japanese firm said, adding that Miura’s family had already held a private funeral.

Video game Host and interviewer Kelly Link tweeted, “I can’t even begin to express how devastated I am about the passing of Kentaro Miura.” 

“Berserk is an incredible epic that will live for generations as one of the greatest stories ever told and only to be equally matched by its absolutely breathtaking art.”

Canadian art director Pascal Blanche praised Miura in a tweet as “author of one of the best manga that have ever existed”.

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There are currently 40 volumes of Beserk, with more than 50 million copies in circulation in a dozen countries including the United States and Friday. The most recent was published in Japan in 2018.

It was also adapted into an animated series, a book, animated movies as well as a video game.

“Miura-sensei was a master artist and storyteller and we had the great privilege of publishing several of his finest works, including his masterpiece, Berserk,” tweeted American publisher Dark Horse Comics.

“He will be greatly missed.”

Berserk’s serialization was ongoing and, as a result, Miura’s manga will most likely remain unfinished.