Jharkhand High Court on Friday deferred the bail plea of Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief Lalu Prasad Yadav in the fodder scam case, ANI reported. The court has fixed December 11 as the next day for the hearing.
The bail hearing was deferred in the fodder scam case related to fraudulent withdrawal from Dumka Treasury.
“We’ve been instructed to bring records related to Lalu Prasad Ji’s half-sentence from the lower court,” Yadav’s lawyer said, ANI reported. The records need to be verified before further arguments, before further arguments, he added.
Yadav was sentenced to 14-years in March 2018, by CBI special judge Shivpal Singh in the Dumka treasury case. The RJD supremo was convicted in four fodder scam cases.