The tragic account of Thomas Hand, a devastated father who lost his eight-year-old daughter, Emily, during a brutal attack on the Be’eri Kibbutz by Hamas terrorists, reveals the harrowing experiences endured by innocent civilians. The assault, which claimed the lives of at least 100 people, left Mr. Hand anxiously waiting for two agonizing days, unaware of his daughter’s fate.
Who was Emily Hand?
During the relentless 12-hour gunfire assault on the kibbutz, Mr. Hand had no information about Emily, who had spent the night at a neighbor’s house, an unusual occurrence for her. In an emotionally charged interview with CNN, Mr. Hand described the moment he received the devastating news of Emily’s death. Surprisingly, his reaction was one of relief that she had not been taken hostage instead.
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His voice trembling with emotion, Mr. Hand recalled the moment he was informed, saying, “They said, ‘We found Emily. She’s dead,’ and I just went ‘Yes!’ I went ‘yes,’ and I smiled because that is the best news of the possibilities that I knew.”
Mr. Hand explained the terror he experienced during the siege, hoping for the arrival of the army, and his overwhelming reaction upon hearing of his daughter’s death. He believed that death was a blessing compared to the horrors she might have faced in captivity in Gaza.
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Beyond the tragic loss of life during the attack, Palestinian terrorists also kidnapped numerous Israelis, leaving loved ones in agonizing uncertainty. The terrorists committed unspeakable acts of violence against innocent Israelis, including acts of rape, burning families alive, and even decapitating babies.
The Israeli Defense Force, accompanied by reporters, visited Be’eri, a peaceful community turned into a scene of devastation due to the Hamas attack, underscoring the brutality faced by the residents of the kibbutz and the profound impact of the tragedy.