Coming on March 8, Netflix’s MH370: The Plane That Disappeared is a three-part docuseries providing a new angle on the perplexing case of the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. With contributions from officials and experts involved in the investigation, the series aims to uncover the truth behind the plane’s baffling disappearance.

Relatives of the passengers and crew of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which disappeared in March 2014 en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, have criticized the Malaysian government for not disclosing crucial data about the plane’s fate.

Also read | What happened to Flight MH370? Mystery behind disappearance continues after nine years

In a statement issued by the Voice370 group, which represents most of the families, they accused the authorities of “hiding and manipulating” key details related to the aircraft’s communication, navigation, and surveillance systems, as well as the military radar and satellite data. They also alleged that the Malaysian government had “obstructed and undermined” the independent investigation led by the Joint Investigation Team (JIT), which involved experts from Australia, China, France, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the United States.

“We have waited for seven years and have been repeatedly told half-truths, lies, and excuses,” the statement said. “We have lost faith in the integrity, credibility, and legitimacy of the Malaysian government and its officials. We demand that the full truth be revealed and justice be served for our loved ones.” The families urged the governments of Malaysia and other countries to declassify and release all relevant information, including raw data and analysis reports, to the public and the next-of-kin.

The disappearance of MH370 remains one of the most perplexing aviation mysteries in history, with no confirmed debris or remains found despite extensive search operations in the southern Indian Ocean. The official investigation concluded in 2017 that the plane likely crashed into the ocean due to a combination of mechanical problems and human actions, but could not determine the exact cause or location of the crash. Some independent experts and relatives have challenged this conclusion and proposed alternative scenarios, such as a hijacking, a shoot-down, or a cover-up.

Also read | Missing Flight MH370: Passenger names, ages and nationalities

The MH370 case has also raised broader issues about the accountability and transparency of the aviation industry and the role of governments in investigating air disasters. The families of the victims have been vocal advocates for improving the safety and security of air travel, as well as the legal and emotional support for the bereaved. They have also criticized the media coverage and public perception of the case, which they say often sensationalizes or ignores their plight and dignity.