A video of a man spitting on ‘Naans’ (flatbread) before putting them in a tandoor went viral on the Internet a few days back, with claims that the incident took place at Red Palace in Hyderabad’s Nampally. The video was circulated on social media, with a caption in Hindi that read, “The person making Naan ki Roti at Red Rose in Nampally is spitting on every roti.”
The incident is true but the place where it is claimed to happen is not. The video surfacing on social media is from Meerut and not Hyderabad.
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The video can be seen here. See the image:
The man, while making tandoori roti was spitting, was in Meerut not Hyderabad, and has now been arrested. The incident took place at Aroma Gardens in Meerut according to a report in Hindustan Times, and the man making the ‘rotis’ has been identified as Sohail.
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After the video went viral on social media, a report by India Today, said that some activists protested outside the LLRM police station in Meerut, demanding the man’s arrest. The Meerut Police have arrested Sohail and lodged an FIR against him and they have posted the same on their Twitter handle confirming the man’s arrest.
A Twitter user shared the video and wrote, “Making bread after spitting it. Even the dreaded disease like COVID-19 did not end and people with this type of mindset could not stop showing their awareness. Meerut police caught them.”
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Thus, it clear that the incident was real but it did not happen in Hyderabad, as the man was arrested by the Meerut Police.