The release of the Netflix documentary series, “American Manhunt: The Boston Marathon Bombing,” has renewed interest in the tragic events that unfolded on April 15, 2013. In particular, many are wondering if the Tsarnaev brothers, who were responsible for the bombing at the marathon, had also planned to attack New York’s Times Square.

The question of whether or not the Tsarnaevs intended to bomb Times Square was raised during the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the younger of the two brothers. During his trial, prosecutors presented evidence that suggested the brothers had discussed attacking Times Square as well as other locations in New York City.

Also read | Were the Boston Marathon Bombings a terrorist attack?

According to the prosecution, the brothers had downloaded instructions on how to make pressure cooker bombs, the same type of bombs they used in the Boston Marathon attack, and had also purchased additional bomb-making materials. In addition, they had traveled to New York City in the days before the Boston attack and had visited Times Square, apparently to scout out potential targets.

Despite this evidence, however, there has been no conclusive proof that the Tsarnaevs had definite plans to attack Times Square. Defense attorneys argued that there was no clear evidence that the brothers had actually intended to carry out an attack in New York and that any plans they may have discussed were vague and hypothetical.

Moreover, it is worth noting that the Tsarnaevs were not particularly sophisticated in their planning and execution of the Boston attack. They had failed to properly arm one of their bombs, which may have prevented it from causing more damage. Given their lack of experience and the fact that they were on the run from law enforcement immediately after the Boston attack, it seems unlikely that they would have been able to carry out another attack so soon afterwards.

Also read | Boston Marathon Bombings: Who were Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev‘s parents?

That being said, the possibility that the Tsarnaevs had discussed attacking Times Square and other locations in New York cannot be dismissed entirely. In the wake of the Boston attack, law enforcement agencies in New York and other major cities took steps to increase security and to monitor potential threats more closely. This vigilance likely played a role in preventing any additional attacks by the Tsarnaevs or other would-be terrorists.

In conclusion, while there is evidence to suggest that the Tsarnaevs may have discussed attacking New York’s Times Square, there is no conclusive proof that they had definite plans to do so. Regardless, the threat of terrorism remains a serious concern in the United States and around the world, and it is important for law enforcement and government officials to remain vigilant in their efforts to prevent attacks and to bring those responsible to justice.