Pregnancy brings with it a lot of questions about what to eat and what not to eat. As pregnant women inch closer to their delivery date, some try to speed things up naturally with food choices. Yet there is limited evidence to prove these are successful in inducing labour.

Red Raspberry Leaves

Red raspberry leaf is known to help strengthen the uterus muscles and tone the pelvic floor both of which can help prepare for the process of birth. Studies have revealed that red raspberry leaves can help shorten labour and decrease the likelihood of assisted birth. These leaves are commonly consumed in the form of tea.

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Unripe Papaya

The ripe papaya is no longer considered harmful for pregnant women. The raw papaya contains latex, which has  properties similar to that of the hormone oxytocin. For this reason, unripe papaya is often a food choice among pregnant women who are naturally trying to induce labour during their last couple of days of gestation.


Pineapple is yet another fruit that is generally avoided by most pregnant women during pregnancy. Pineapple contains an enzyme known as bromelain that is believed to cause cervical ripening, the first step towards  dilation which could eventually lead to labour. The greatest concentration of bromelain is present in the core of the pineapple.

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Dates help with the process of cervical ripening while also improving the spontaneity of labour and reducing the chances of postpartum hemorrhage. Studies have revealed that women who eat dates in their third trimester have a shorter first stage of labour and a quicker rate of cervical dilation. Dates contain high levels of sugar and are to be avoided in cases of gestational diabetes or for those who have a yeast infection during pregnancy.