The Madras High Court on Monday slammed the Election Commission of India (ECI) for conducting elections in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. The bench of Chief Justice Sanjib Banerjee and Justice Senthilkumar Ramamoorthy called ECI “the most irresponsible institution” for the alleged spread of coronavirus in the country and said the poll body should be booked under murder charges.
Sanjib Banerjee has been the chief justice of the Madras High Court since January 4, 2021. He had previously served as a judge in the Calcutta High Court.
Also read: ‘Kudos for calling spade a spade’: Leaders welcome Madras HC’s order on EC
Born on November 2, 1961, the 59-year-old did his schooling in Darjeeling and obtained his Bachelor’s degree in law 1986-87 from the University of Calcutta.
Meanwhile, Justice Senthilkumar Ramamoorthy, who was sworn in as the additional judge in the high court on February 22, 2019, enrolled as an advocate in November 1990.
Ramamoorthy was born on October 2, 1966. In 1992, he obtained his Master’s law degree in Constitutional and International law from the Madras Law College. His areas of work, in 1993, included mining law, amalgamations, and oppression and mismanagement petitions under the Companies Act, suits, writ petitions and arbitration.