In the latest episode of the Bigg Boss OTT, Akshara Singh and Boss Man Zeeshan Khan got involved in an ugly fight. Meanwhile, Neha Bhasin ignored Boss Lady Divya Agarwal’s kitchen duty orders. While Shamita Shetty called Nishant Bhat a snake.
Akshara Singh threatened Bigg Boss to call her to the confession room or else she will leave the Bigg Boss OTT house. Angered by this Bigg Boss gathered all the housemates in the living area and reprimanded them for continuously threatening Bigg Boss. In the end, Akshara apologised to Bigg Boss.
Also read| Bigg Boss OTT: Akshara Singh and Zeeshan Khan’s ugly fight
After Zeeshan and Akshara’s fight, Neha came out in support of the Boss Man. She said that playing the woman card in every fight was wrong. Neha also said that asking Zeeshan’s age or worth was wrong on Akshara’s part. Akshara’s act was not received well by Raqesh Bapat, Shamita Shetty, and Divya Agarwal.
Pratik Sehajpal criticised former Boss Man and Boss Lady Raqesh and Shamita. He said that the two had no clue about what was happening in the house when they were the house captains.
Later Neha dismissed Boss Lady Divya’s orders which resulted in a huge fight. When Divya asked Neha if she will be cooking, the latter got angry and asked the Boss Lady that why was she only laden with work.
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Bigg Boss announced a punishment task ‘Kohlu Ka Bail’. Pratik Sehajpal and his connection Akshara and Shamita and Raqesh connection were chosen for the punishment by the housemates.
The two connections were told to rotate the machine without any pause. Boss Man and Boss Lady Zeeshan and Divya were the ‘Sanchalaks’ for the punishment activity.
While performing the task Shamita got involved in an ugly fight with housemate Nishant. She repeatedly called him a snake while performing the task. She then broke down and opened up to her connection Raqesh.