Nearly a third, which is equal to more than 300,000 people, who have arrived in England and Northern Ireland between March and May amid the coronavirus’ Deta variant surge in the region may have broken the COVID-19 quarantine rules, reported BBC.

According to the figures reported by BBC, more than 300,000 cases were passed to investigators between March and May. However, the government was unable to say or trace how many of them have broken the quarantine rules. 

To investigate this, the UK’s Home Office has said that it is planning to pay home visits to all travellers suspected of not following the rules.

Also Read: World beyond Delta: Where do new COVID variants stand

Meanwhile, Labour’s shadow home secretary Nick Thomas-Symonds said the figures obtained by the BBC “confirm our worst fears” about the government’s “lax border policy.’ He also accused the Home Office of “gross negligence” if the reports are proven to be true.

The reports of negligence come as the UK’s four chief medical officers are expected to approve COVID vaccination to be administered to healthy children without any underlying conditions. The process aims to initiate vaccination against COVID in children aged between 12 and 15.

The children’s vaccination is a part of the number of preventive measures being taken to reach the goals of controlling the winter-COVUD wave-like horror this time.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is also about to announce the government’s course of action to do away with measures like the legal authority to shut down schools and some businesses as a part of the lockdown. 

Earlier in April, the UK has announced that it is learning to live with the virus and lifted almost all the COVID restrictions triggering a nationwide unlock despite health expert’s clear warning against the move. 

Meanwhile, Boris Johnson will also emphasise the importance of vaccines as a necessary step in allowing a return to nearly normal life and to set out plans for a third dose as a booster, which will be offered to older people first.