“Popular South Indian actor Samantha Akkineni has made her digital debut with the second season of u2018The Family Man 2u2019. She is seen playing the role of a Sri Lankan Tamil rebel named Raaji in the show that has Manoj Bajpayee in the lead character of Srikant Tiwari. Also Read | Bigger, better, faster: The verdict on u2018The Family Man 2u2019 is out. Soon after the release of u2018The Family Man 2 trailer, netizens were angry that the actress chose to play a role that shows Tamilians in a bad light. Even “#ShameOnSamantha” started trending on Twitter. However, now that the show has premiered on Amazon Prime Video, netizens are elated with the story plot and the performances. Also Read | ‘The Family Man 2’ panned by TN politicians, cutting across party lines. Talking about Samantha Akkineni’s role, creators Raj and DK once said in an interview, “She is fighting for a cause, something (that) she really, really believes in. It is an outfit that has plans to do something destructive and vengeful. (It is ) something she hasn’t done before.”. Check out her different avatars in the show posted by some of her fans on social media. #ManojBajpayee #Bollywood #Tvseriesu00a0.”