Celebrity trainer, yoga and pilates instructor Anshuka Parwani recently shared on her Instagram handle pictures of Bollywood’s charming Alia Bhatt striking an impressive yoga pose. Anshuka Parwani, who goes by the name AnshukaYoga on Instagram, shared the picture along with the caption, “Alia Bhatt keeping it strong and aligned in an extended puppy pose using the yoga wheel, opening up the shoulders & the heart”.
In the first picture, Alia is seen striking an impressive body stretch known as the Uttana Shishosana with her eyes closed. The second picture is a side pose, with the yoga wheel balancing under her waist.
Alia, being a fitness enthusiast like many Bollywood actresses, is often seen heading to gyms and fitness classes. She frequently likes to post pictures of her working out and shares her daily fitness challenges with her 57 million Instagram fans.
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Apart from posting her flushed gym photos, she also shares adorable pictures with her beau, Ranbir Kapoor. Even though Ranbir himself does not use Instagram publicly, he often makes appearances in Alia’s Instagram feed.
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Alia’s trainer, Anshuka Parwani is a well-known yoga and fitness trainer and wellness expert who also trains celebrities like Kareena Kapoor Khan, Ananya Pandey, Rakul Preet Singh, and more. Anshuka is based in Bandra West, Mumbai and trains through online classes. She also runs a YouTube channel for quick step-by-step Yoga tutorials for beginners.
Various B-town actresses like Shilpa Shetty, Malaika Arora Khan, Katrina Kaif, Jacqueline Fernandez are fitness enthusiasts are often seen actively striking yoga and fitness poses on their social media.
Alia’s flexible stretch inspires us to take a break from our hectic lives ever so often and move our body, keeping it flexible and youthful.
Apart from her charming smile, she continues to win the hearts of her millions of fans with her passion for fitness.