The Gujarat High Court on Monday said that it is not satisfied with the state government’s policies for tackling the COVID-19 situation in the state. “Something needs to be corrected so that people can do something about this pandemic,” the high court said, reported ANI.
The court was hearing a suo motu plea on Gujarat’s COVID-19 situation. Chief Justice Vikram Nath observed that while it takes up to four days for citizens to get their COVID test report, officials get their RT-PCR test reports within hours.
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The chief justice added that imposing stricter curbs is necessary to stop the spread of the deadly virus. “Number of people at weddings be capped at 50, make a booth at housing societies to check people’s health, take help of religious centres that can provide covid care centre/isolation facility,” he suggested.
Adding to the other side of the argument, advocate general Kamal Trivedi asserted that the situation of the pandemic is under control. “Govt is doing their job, now people have to be more cautious,” he said.
Also read: Gujarat records 5,469 new COVID-19 cases, a single-day high
Addressing the shortage of Remdesivir, injections used to treat COVID positive patients, the high court said that “when 27,000 injections are available in Gujarat, find out how many are unused.”
“Why injections are not available in every COVID hospital?” the court asked. The next hearing will be held on April 15 to check what actions were taken by the state government.