Comedian Kunal Kamra‘s upcoming stand-up shows, scheduled to be held in Bengaluru, have been cancelled after the organisers received threats. This comes just days after comedian Munawar Faruqui was denied permission to perform in the city.
In a statement on Wednesday, Kamra, who has criticised the BJP-led NDA government number of times in the post, sarcastically informed his followers and detractors about the cancellations of his shows that were scheduled to be held in Bengaluru in the coming days.
Also Read: Police slammed by activists for action against comedian Munawar Faruqui
“Hello Bangalore people. I’m happy to inform that my shows in Bangalore which were scheduled over the next 20 days have been cancelled. They’ve been cancelled for two reasons. Firstly, we didn’t get special permission to seat 45 people in the venue that can seat more. Secondly, threats have been made to shut down the venue if I were to ever perform there. I guess this is also part of the Covid protocol & new guidelines. I suppose I am seen as a variant of the virus now,” the comedian said in thee statement.
Also Read: Comedian Munawar Faruqui is ‘done’ after 12 cancelled shows in 2 months
Kamra said now that his shows have also been cancelled, it proves that the “ruling class” is at least trying to “oppress with equality”.
“For those on Twitter that have been wondering how ‘A Kamra goes on to perform while a Farooqui has had to quit comedy’ we can find solace in the fact that the ruling class is at least trying to oppress with equality. Maybe if we continue down the road of equal oppression, we would get to a point of equal liberation, in a post climate change era,” he said.