Delhi’s Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Tuesday said that in most of the hospitals in the national capital, oxygen is available for the next 8 to 12 hours, only. The Deputy CM shared a list of public and private hospitals, along with the oxygen stock available with them.
Also read: Green corridor created by Delhi police for smooth passage of oxygen tanker to COVID hospital
Sisodia said that for the past one week, the Delhi government demanded an increase in oxygen quota for the capital, which the central government has to do.
“If oxygen does not reach the hospitals in sufficient quantity by tomorrow morning, there will be an outcry,” he tweeted.
On Sunday, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal alleged that the city was facing an oxygen shortage as its quota was diverted to other states.
A day later, Union Minister Piyush Goyal told state governments to keep demand (for medical oxygen) under control, reported news agency ANI.
He said that “the demand-side management is as important as the supply-side management” and that containing the COVID-19 outbreak was states’ responsibility and “they should fulfill” that.
In a tweet, Goyal said that “the patient should use as much oxygen as they need” and that there were reports that “oxygen is being given even when it is not needed.”
Also read: Oxygen and Remdesivir shortage in Delhi, limited ICU beds: CM Arvind Kejriwal
As hospitals across several states faced oxygen shortage, the centre, on Sunday, banned the supply of oxygen for industrial purposes and termed it an “essential public health commodity”.