While announcing that complete stay-at-home in the United Kingdom would not be extended beyond December 2, Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Monday said the “escape route” from coronavirus was in sight.
After December 2, a tough new COVID-19 Winter Plan will kick in, which is expected to last until at least March 2021. The UK PM announced that a three-tiered system of toughened restrictions will be re-implemented in the United Kingdom after the current lockdown ends.
Johnson said, “The breakthroughs in treatment, in testing vaccines mean that the scientific cavalry is now in sight.”
“We know in our hearts that next year we will succeed. By the spring these advances should reduce the need for the restrictions we’ve endured in 2020. We have turned a corner and the escape route is in sight,” the UK PM told the parliament.
Johnson, currently self-isolating after coming into contact with an MP carrying coronavirus, warned that “Christmas cannot be normal and there’s a long road to spring”.
“We all want some kind of Christmas, we need it,” Johnson said in a statement, adding, “What we don’t want is to throw caution to the wind and allow the virus to flare up again.”
The easing of restrictions will see people permitted to leave their homes for any purpose, with public religious ceremonies and certain leisure activities once again allowed.
Upto 4,000 spectators will be able to return to sports stadiums and live performances in low-risk parts of England, while pubs can reopen if they are not in the highest tier.
The PM also announced a “time-limited” dispensation for families to gather for Christmas.