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Who is Jordan Peterson? Psychology professor’s mistakes sexual fetish for Chinese government policy

Jordan Peterson (Photo: Twitter)

  • Jordan Peterson has come under scrutiny online for posting a "male milking" BDSM fetish porn video on Twitter.
  • After mistaking online fetish stuff for Chinese official policy in a widely liked tweet, Peterson posted the video.
  • The now-deleted tweet from the Canadian psychologist on Saturday read, “Such fun in unbelievable techno-nightmare CCP hell.”

Published: March 15, 2023 02:52:38 Toronto

Jordan Peterson has come under scrutiny online for posting a “male milking” BDSM fetish porn video that was portrayed as coming from a “sperm bank” for the Chinese Communist Party.

After mistaking online fetish stuff for Chinese official policy in a widely liked tweet, Peterson posted the video. The now-deleted tweet from the Canadian psychologist on Saturday read, “Such fun in unbelievable techno-nightmare CCP hell.”

Three naked males were shown laying in hospital beds connected to “male milking machines” in the shockingly graphic video, which was posted by a user claiming to be documenting human rights violations in China.

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The post was captioned by the account as “What’s going on in China? Three children policy?”

Peterson’s daughter Mikhaila Peterson replied to his tweet saying, “DAD you can’t retweet this on Twitter. My eyes will never recover.”

Who is Jordan Peterson?

Jordan Peterson is a psychology professor at the University of Toronto and a widely cited scholar of personality. He is the author of what’s currently the No. 1 best-selling nonfiction book on Amazon in the United States.

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Peterson is also a well-known right-wing online figure who has said some extremely controversial things. In a video, he said that feminists have “an unconscious wish for brutal male domination,” and compared developing nations to ‘pits of catastrophe’. Additionally, he recently admitted to supporting “enforced monogamy” to a Times reporter.

Peterson has established himself as a lifestyle expert for men and boys who are frustrated with a society in which white male privilege is under attack. He speaks passionately about the effect his work has had on nervous, confused young men in his latest best-selling book, 12 Rules for Life, which is openly marketed as a self-help guide.

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The X-rated error rapidly made the controversial author and internet personality Peterson a hot topic on Twitter even though he removed the post without commenting.

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