Richard Trumka, the president of AFL – CIO, the powerful labour organisation, has died at the age of 72. The cause of death was not mentioned. According to a source acquainted with the situation, Trumka died of a heart attack. It was unknown when it happened, although it was thought to have happened either Wednesday evening or Thursday morning.
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Trumka has served as the president of the labour federation since 2009, which had over 12.9 million members.
Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority leader held back tears during his address at the Senate floor.
“I rise today with some sad, horrible news about the passing of a great friend Rich Trumka who left us this morning,” Schumer said, before pausing to compose himself. “The working people of America have lost a fierce warrior at a time when we needed him most.”
Also read| Who was Richard Trumka?
Trumka was only 33 when he was elected as the President of the United Mine Workers of America, becoming the youngest leader ever in 1982, after running on a reform ticket.
The POTUS, Joe Biden, called Trumka a “close friend” after learning of his death.
Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman said Trumka’s death was “truly heartbreaking.”
Also read| Richard Trumka net worth
According to two accounts, Richard Trumka, head of the strong AFL-CIO labour movement, died unexpectedly.
The death was announced to AFL-CIO staff on Thursday morning.
Kim Kelly on Twitter said, “Just yesterday, he appeared via video to send solidarity to the striking UMWA miners of Alabama. Trumka got his start in the UMWA before ascending to leadership of the nation’s largest labor federation”
Miles Kampf-Lassin talked about Trumka’s 9-month strike against Pittson Coal company, that lead to numerous guaranteed benefits for the workers.
While John Fetteron mourned the tireless fighter in his tweet.