Milk will cost Rs 2 extra starting from Wednesday. The Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) or Amul and Mother Dairy announced on Tuesday that milk prices will rise beginning August 17. Both stated that the price rise is the result of an increase in input expenses, such as fodder costs.
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According to Amul, the Rs 2 hike corresponds to a 4% increase in costs. Amul’s most recent price rise was announced on March 1, when it raised prices by Rs 2.
Amul said that the price of 500 ml Amul Gold milk will now be Rs 31, 500 ml Amul Taaza will be Rs 25, and 500 ml Amul Shakti will be Rs 28 in Ahmedabad and Saurashtra markets.
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It also stated that it is raising prices in Ahmedabad and Saurashtra in Gujarat, Delhi-NCR, West Bengal, Mumbai, and all other areas where Amul sells fresh milk.
According to Mother Dairy, with a Rs 2 hike, full cream milk will cost Rs 61 per litre, toned milk Rs 51 per litre, double toned Rs 45 per litre, cow milk Rs 53 per litre, and bulk vended milk (token milk) Rs 48 per litre in the Delhi-NCR region.
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Amul stated that it is increasing the prices of milk due to “an increase in an overall cost of operation and production of milk”.
“The cattle feeding cost alone has increased to approximately 20% compared to last year. Considering the rise in input costs, our member unions have also increased farmers’ prices in the range of 8-9% over the previous year,” it said.
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Mother Dairy said that the farm prices of raw milk have gone up by 10% to 11% in the last five months, leading it to pass on the prices partially to consumers.