Bollywood actor Sonu Sood on Tuesday requested the government to postpone the NEET, JEE examinations due to the coronavirus pandemic. He tweeted, “It’s my request to the government of India, to postpone the Neet/JEE exams in the current situation of the country! In the given COVID19 situation, we should care utmost & not risk the lives of students!”

Education Ministry had finalised the date of NEET and JEE exams last week. While, JEE (Mains) will be held between September 1 and 6, with JEE (Advanced) on September 27, NEET will be held on September 13. A section of students has requested the centre to re-consider the exam dates in view of the coronavirus outbreak.

The exam was twice delayed due to rising cases of coronavirus across the country.

ALSO READ |Chorus grows for postponing entrance exams amid COVID-19 pandemic

Earlier the top court had rejected a plea that sought to postpone the examinations. Dismissing the petitions, Justice Arun Mishra had said that life should move on even in COVID-19 times. The court also observed that the precious years of the students cannot be wasted.

Meanwhile, Top Congress leaders, including Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi and Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury had requested the government to defer the all-India medical and engineering entrance examinations taking into consideration the concerns raised by a section of students.

ALSO READ |Govt must listen to students, consider postponement of JEE, NEET: Rahul Gandhi

On Sunday, over 4000 students had observed a day-long hunger strike demanding to postpone the exams in view of rising COVID-19 cases.