The third instalment of the renowned comedy-drama Hera Pheri, starring Akshay Kumar, Suneel Shetty, and Paresh Rawal, is about to begin. In a recent interview, producer Firoz Nadiadwala indicated that Hera Pheri 3 would feature the original cast in addition to confirming that it was now in production.
The first movie in the comedy series, Ramji Rao Speaking, from 1989, was remade and released in 2000. The 2006 sequel, which also starred Akshay, Paresh Rawal, and Suniel in their respective roles of Raju, Baburao, and Shyam, was an original movie.
You’ll get to see it very soon with the same star cast — Akshay ji, Paresh bhai, and Suniel ji — according to Firoz Nadiadwala, who produced Hera Pheri 2 and will produce the third instalment as well. We are working on certain modalities, and the tale is already in place. It will be produced in the same manner while maintaining the characters’ youth. Past successes cannot be taken for granted. As a result, we must take extra care with our material, story, screenplay, characters, and other aspects.
When asked about the director of Hera Pheri 3, Firoz responded, “We have a shortlist. We are conversing. The announcement will be made soon. Priyadarshan directed the first segment, and Neeraj Vora both wrote and directed the second. Raaj Shaandilya, who directed Dream Girl, was not invited to helm Hera Pheri 3, according to Firoz. He added that they now have a greater sense of duty because of the enormous expectations for the much anticipated movie’s content and box office results.
Hera Pheri 3 had previously begun production in 2014, however it was postponed indefinitely. Neeraj Vora fell ill while producing the movie, which is why, After being in a coma for more than a year, Neeraj than passed away in December 2017
The movie, which would have introduced new characters portrayed by Abhishek Bachchan and John Abraham, did not initially have Akshay Kumar set to appear in it. Now that the plot has changed, Akshay will appear in Hera Pheri 3.