Actor Ali Fazal hit the headlines over his brief yet adorable Twitter exchange with his ‘Death On The Nile’ co-star Gal Gadot. On Thursday, Gal announced her superhero film ‘Wonder Woman 1984‘ will hit the screens on Christmas. It’ll premiere both in theatres and HBO Max.
The film was initially scheduled for June release but was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Best of luck Gal. Its going to be great. Everyones lookin forward to this,” Ali tweeted.
“Thank you, miss you,” she responded along with heart emojis.
Also read: CW developing ‘Wonder Girl’ series with Latina lead
The two actors are starring in ‘Death On The Nile’, an adaptation of Agatha Christie’s novel of the same name. It’s a murder mystery story about a number of murders onboard a Nile cruise boat after a love triangle goes wrong. It is expected to release on December 18.