Actor Anushka Shetty, whose original name is Sweety Shetty, has become the talk of the town after a %u201Cchubby%u201D picture of her went viral on the internet. The 39-year-old actor, who predominantly works in Tamil and Telugu cinema, was last seen in director Hemant Madhurkar’s ‘Nishabdham’, as a speech-impaired person.
Also read: Who is Anushka Shetty?
Here are the top five movies of Anushka Shetty that you must watch:
Anushka started her acting journey as a glamorous heroine and mostly played the role of a love interest in several south Indian films. However, she risked her career by doing %u2018Arundhati%u2019, a woman-oriented movie that released in 2009. The horror-thriller eventually turned out to be a big hit and changed Anushka’s career forever.
The on-screen chemistry between superstar Prabhas and Anushka is no secret. In %u2018Mirchi%u2019, fans love the couple so much so that they wanted Prabhas and Anushka to get married in real life. The action drama, which released in 2013, was a love story.
Anushka got her global fame with none other than %u2018Baahubali: The Beginning%u2019 and %u2018Baahubali 2: The Conclusion’. One of the most commercially successful Indian films, the %u2018Baahubali%u2019 franchise featured Anushka as Devasena, who was captive in the Mahishmati kingdom for years and had been waiting for his son to avenge her husband%u2019s death.
Size Zero
%u2018Size Zero%u2019, again a women-centric film, was not something that many liked, but it was an experiment in Anushka’s diary. She again proved that she can ace versatile roles that most actors can’t. The 2015 movie is a story of Sweety, an obese woman who joins a slimming centre but starts a campaign to stress the importance of being fit rather than slim in the wake of the slimming industry’s horrific reality.
This 2018 horror-action starred Anushka in a very different and shocking role. As the actor now picks films with powerful characters, Anushka’s fans should not miss this promising flick. %u2018Bhaagamathie%u2019 was a big hit and has music that will keep you entertained.