Around five years ago, it was announced that Priyanka Chopra Jonas was developing a sitcom based on the life of Bollywood star Madhuri Dixit-Nene. It was reported that Chopra would be producing the show for US network ABC. Sri Rao, who directed Dixit’s upcoming Netflix series The Fame Game and is also the writer for shows like General Hospital: Night Shift, was supposed to pen the pilot and also be the executive producer of the series along with the actress’ husband Sriram Nene.
But Madhuri Dixit in an exclusive interview with has confirmed that the project is no longer happening, “There was a discussion going on and we were trying to pitch it and Shri Rao, who got me the script of The Fame Game and also directed the show, was involved with that project too. But sometimes things work and there are times it doesn’t. We tried to get that sitcom approved but it didn’t pan out,” she said.
The show was about Dixit’s life in the American suburbs: in the mid-2000s she moved to Denver following her marriage to cardiologist Shriram Nene. The sitcom was going to focus on the actor’s life in a new neighborhood where people had no idea how popular she was overseas.
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“It wasn’t exactly my autobiography. It was part fiction and part reality. They were going to take certain instances of my life, including the fact that I was a Bollywood actor before moving to Denver where no one really knew me. So what happens in such a situation? But it’s done and we aren’t working on it anymore,” Dixit said.
The actress will make her OTT debut as she stars in the upcoming Netflix thriller The Fame Game, in which she plays Bollywood superstar Anamika Anand, whose sudden disappearance sets off the unveiling of dark secrets around her life. While the actress is a superstar in her own rights, she says the similarities between her character Anamika Anand and her life end right there.
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“Anamika’s equation with her family, be it with her husband or mother, is different from mine. She is a fictitious character. You read so many stories about showbiz. I think the writer Sri Rao has taken these instances and woven them into Anamika’s life. It’s an exaggerated depiction; not all film people are like that,” she said.