Actor Ajay Devgn, who is currently shooting for ‘RRR’ and is also gearing up for the release of his new film, has shared a sweet note on her wife and actress Kajol on her birthday. The actress turned a year older on Thursday and her fans and friends have filled social media with congratulatory notes.
Also Read: Happy birthday Kajol: When Ajay Devgn said she is talkative and he is quiet
On her special day, Ajay too took to Twitter and posted a happy picture. Along with the picture, he wrote, ““You have managed to bring a smile to my face for the longest time now…Happy birthday dearest Kajol ; will try to make it as special as you are @kajol”
The post got adorable responses from couple’s fans who started dropping comments.
“Oh thats such a sweet wish ajay sir. God bless you both. You are so blessed @itsKajolD to have such a nice husband. Wish you a super wonderful birthday and a great year ahead #HappyBirthdayKajol” wrote a user.
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Kajol was last seen in ‘Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior’ that also starred Ajay and Saif Ali Khan. She portrayed the role of Ajay’s wife Savitribai Malusare in the Om Raut directorial.
It was also stated that she was approached for Rajkumar Hirani’s next film that stars Shah Rukh Khan. However, she revealed that she is reading scripts virtually but hasn’t signed any film yet.
Ajay, on the other hand, will be next seen in ‘Thank God’ .