Actor Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain got married on Tuesday in a lavish wedding ceremony and the nuptials were followed by a reception. The ‘Pavitra Rishta’ fame also took to her social media to share pictures from her wedding. “Love is patient but we’re not. Surprise! We’re now officially Mr and Mrs Jain,” she wrote.
Also Read: Kangana Ranaut attends Ankita Lokhande’s sangeet. Watch
Ankita and Vicky have been together for more than three years.
The actor opted for a golden Manish Malhotra lehenga and walked down the aisle with a long veil. Vicky complemented her in a white and golden sherwani. The pictures show the couple’s lovable moments as they take pheras in a temple-like mandap.
For the post wedding reception, Ankita changed to a red saree, styled with heavy jewellery while Vicky opted for a black sherwani.
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The wedding was attended by Ankita’s colleagues and friends from the television industry. Mrunal Thakur, Shraddha Arya, Arti Singh, Srishty Rode, Asha Negi, Eijaz Khan and Pavitra Punia attended the wedding that took place at Grand Hyatt, Mumbai.
In the evening, Vicky had arrived at the venue in a vintage car as the baaraat moved along. The men wore floral blue turbans as part of the groom’s brigade.
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The wedding festivities began on Saturday and continued with an official mehendi ceremony, haldi, cocktail and sangeet.
On Monday, Ankita’s Manikarnika co-star Kangana Ranaut also joined her at the sangeet. She was in a purple lehenga and shared quite a few pictures on her Instagram Stories from her ‘yaar ki shaadi’. The actor also mentioned about Ankita’s ‘planet-sized ring’.