On Monday the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) released the trailer of Ghost Series 3 on their website. The show starring Charlotte Ritchie and Kiell Smith Byone will premiere every Monday from August 9, 2021. The BBC sitcom is about a couple and their misadventures at a haunted country house that they inherited.
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The Ghost series revolves around the lives of the couple Alison (Ritchie) and Mike (Smith-Byone) at the country estate Button House. The house is not only falling apart but it is also haunted by multiple ghosts.
In series 3, a documentary team comes to Button House to film an assassination plot that Alison and other residents discovered. Now that Alison can see ghosts she has been offered an interview. But she has not agreed to the interview as she is terrified of speaking on camera.
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Mike convinces her to accept the offer for the TV interview for free publicity. Thomas Thorne (Mat Bayton), the ghost of a failed poet has agreed to help Alison, so what could go wrong?
The 20-second trailer on the BBC website shows that all the ghosts have gathered together. Some are heartily laughing at a joke shared by headless Tudor Humphrey, while others carry a confused look.
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Kiell Smith-Bynoe in an interview with Radio Times mentioned that series 3 will focus on Humphrey, his character will be explored a bit more.