After entering the Bigg Boss OTT house on Wednesday as the wild card contestant, Nia Sharma exited the show on Friday. Nia stayed in the OTT house for an entire day before Bigg boss announced that the ‘Jamai Raja’ actress will exit the show leaving housemates and fans shocked.
Nia was seen getting close with the housemates. She confessed that if given a chance she would like to form a connection with Divya Agarwal. She asked Pratik Sehajpal to ignore racist comments against him like ‘Nepali’ or ‘Chinese’.
Also read| Bigg Boss OTT: Nia Sharma talks about her strategy on the show
Nia also advised Raqesh Bapat to take a stand for what is right. When asked about her opinion of ‘Bigg Boss OTT’ she called the show boring. While in the OTT house she had a fun time with Neha Bhasin and Milind Gaba.
When it was announced that Nia will be leaving the house after spending only one day in the OTT house, the housemates were left in shock.
The fans also felt disappointed with this new twist, as they were excited for Nia’s appearance on the controversial show. They expected Nia to spice up the show. Fans online alleged that her entry to the show was a tactic by the makers to boost the ratings of the show.
Also read| Bigg Boss OTT: Nia Sharma enters the show as a wild card contestant
Nia became the fifth housemate to exit from the show after Urfji Javed, Ridhima Pandit, Karan Nath and Zeeshan Khan.
The remaining contestants locked in the Bigg Boss OTT house are Shamita Shetty, Raqesh Bapat, Divya Agarwal, Neha Bhasin, Nishant Bhat, Muskan Jattana, Pratik Sehajpal, Milind Gaba and Akshara Singh.
Divya Agarwal, Milind Gaba and Akshara Singh are nominated for this week’s nomination round.