Actress and TMC MP Nusrat Jahan’s son’s birth registration details the name of the child and his father. As per the Kolkata Municipal Corporation document, the child has been named Yishaan J Dasgupta. Debashish Dasgupta, which is the formal name of actor Yash Dasgupta, has been mentioned as the child’s father in the birth certificate.
Also Read: Yash and I are having a good time: Nusrat Jahan when asked about her child’s father
The two actors were rumoured to be dating.
Nusrat Jahan gave birth to hic child on August 26. Ever since she announced her pregnancy, there has been a lot of speculation around the father of the child.
Earlier, Nusrat refused to answer the question about the father of the baby. When the actress was asked about the name of the father in a press conference, she said, “It is very easy to put a black spot on the character of the person by asking vague questions as to who the father of the child is.”
Also Read: Nusrat Jahan decides not to name her baby’s father
The rumours of Yash and Nusrat’s relationship had been doing the rounds for quite some time now. Nusrat had tied the knot with businessman Nikhil Jain in a destination wedding in Turkey in 2019. But things got bitter between the couple and they soon decided to live separately. After their separation, Nusrat was spotted with Yash on numerous occasions.
Nusrat had also mentioned that her marriage with now estranged husband Nikhil Jain is not legal in India. Nusrat and Nikhil have been separated since November 2020.