On Saturday, the makers of Bigg Boss released a new promo featuring host Salman Khan and legendary actress Rekha. The new promo gave a glimpse of the difficulties the contestants will face in Bigg Boss 15 with the jungle-like setup.
As per the promo released by Colors TV, the contestants are going to have a tough time in the jungle set-up with zero comforts of the ‘Bigg Boss 15’ house amidst the open sky.
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In the promo, Salman asked how will the contestants sleep peacefully around the mosquitoes and insects. To which the ‘Tree of Fortune’, voiced by legendary actress Rekha replied that the contestants will not be getting proper sleep in the jungle with the cold wind.
The promo was captioned, “Iss baar #BB15 ka ‘suffer’ hoga jungle se shuru! How excited are you? Dekhiye #BiggBoss15 jald hi, sirf #Colors par.”
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Earlier the makers had teased the jungle set-up in Bigg Boss 15 as ‘Sankat in Jungle’. In the promo released, it was also disclosed that some contestants will be eliminated from the jungle stage of the show. A behind-the-scenes video of Salman Khan filming the promo was also released.
In another teaser released, Salman was seen dressed as a hunter and Rekha was in the form of ‘Tree of Fortune’ referred to as ‘Vishwasundari’ by him. Rekha will reportedly introduce the top five performers of the ongoing show, Bigg Boss OTT to ‘Bigg Boss 15’ host Salman.
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According to India.com Rekha praised the controversial show, she called it a ‘crash course of life’. “Bigg Boss is a very ‘nayaab’ show, that has all drama, action, fun and thrill and what’s more, you get a crash course of life itself,” she said.
This year the makers of Bigg Boss launched the show first on the digital platform Voot as ‘Bigg Boss OTT’. The makers also roped in filmmaker Karan Johar to host ‘Bigg Boss OTT’.