Bollywood actor and mental health advocate Deepika Padukone launched an audio festival titled ‘Care Package’ on Tuesday. She took to social media to share the news and wrote,  “I’m super excited to launch ‘Care Package’ – An Audio-First Festival that Cares! This package, curated by me, is a box full of conversations and performances from thought leaders around the world that prioritise ’Care’. Join me Today, 20th July, from 7PM-8.30PM IST on Clubhouse!”

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The audio festival is the world’s first that revolves around the idea of self care. The lineup of the festival is loaded with world famous leaders and performers that will carry conversations on ‘Care’. It includes Jay Shetty, Radhi Devlukia, Paul Davison, Aarthi Ramamurthy (Head of International, Clubhouse), Sriram Krishnan,  Jovanny Varelan (Founder, The Artidote), Raghava KK, and Prateek Kuhad, all set to mesmerise the listeners with his soulful voice. 

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Conversation in ‘Care Package’ will be divided in 3 segments. First being, ‘My Relationship with Self-care’, with Deepika Padukone, Aarthi Ramamurthy, Raghava KK and Sriram Krishnan. It will take place from 7.05 pm to 7.30 pm. Second one will run  from 7.30 pm – 7.45 pm, titled “Breathe, By The Artidote”, by Jovanny Varela, and the final one will be “Love and Care – How is it different?” by Deepika Padukone, Jay Shetty, Radhi Devlukia, Aarthi Ramamurthy and Sriram Krishnan from 7.45 pm – 8.15 pm. The three segments will then be ended with a heartwarming performance by Prateek Kuhad from 8.15 pm-8.30 pm.

Following her own journey through depression, Deepika Padukone has been very active in promoting self-care and talking about mental health in a society that still sees it as taboo. In 2020, the actor received Crystal Award at the World Economic Forum for her work in raising mental health awareness.