When Bollywood actor Deepika Padukone took on jury duty for this year’s upcoming Cannes festival, her husband, actor Ranveer Singh, broke out in a happy dance but also pondered if he will ever be given a similar opportunity to sit back, relax, and judge films.
In a recent interview with Film Companion, Singh shared how he felt when his wife became a jury member for Cannes.
“I am so happy I had to break out into a dance. I was like ‘waah yaar (wow man), people want you to be the person who decides which is the better film.’ That’s huge,” he said.
He further added how he thought to himself, “yaar, mera kabhi number aayega kya. Mujhe kabhi bithayenge kya jury-vury pe? Aaj tak kisi ne bulaya nahi hai, kisi jury pe, ki aap decide karo kiska better hai performance (Man, when will it be my turn. Will they ever make me a part of the jury? No one has ever asked to me do so and decide which performance is the better than the rest).”
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Singing praises of his wife, the 36-year-old actor added, “But Cannes I mean, like that’s huge. Baby is deciding from the best films in the world at the time- which is the better one. It’s so crazy. I was like ‘wow, this is just too amazing.’ I am very proud of everything that she achieves. Every time, I am her designated cheerleader. Whether it’s Time magazine, or it’s Cannes, or she does stuff that is just unprecedented for mainstream leading women from Indian cinema.”
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Singh concluded by saying how he admires his wife for “forging her own path” and how she deserves every bit of her success because “she is just so sincere in everything that she does.”
“She makes me glow with pride,” he said.