“Tamil actor Dhanush joined the cast of Joe and Anthony Russou2019s next big-budget thriller, ‘The Gray Man’ alongside Jessica Henwick, Wagner Moura, Dhanush, and Julia Butters, Ryan Gosling, Chris Evans, and Ana de Armas, announced Netflix on Thursday. THE GRAY MAN, cast just got even better: Jessica Henwick, Wagner Moura, Dhanush, and Julia Butters will join Ryan Gosling, Chris Evans, and Ana de Armas in the upcoming action thriller from directors Anthony and Joe Russo.u201d Netflix tweeted. The film that revolves around freelance assassin and former CIA operative Court Gentry is based on Mark Greaney’s 2009 novel of the same name.u00a0. The Grey Man will be Dhanush’s second Hollywood project after his debut film The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir, directed by Ken Scott. u00a0.”