The Tamil actor, Vikram is one of the most versatile actors in the Tollywood industry. His real name is Kenedy John Victor and was born on April 17. He started his modelling career in the 1990s and is a film producer, voice actor and is also known for playback singing.
On the occasion of Vikram’s 53rd birthday, below are his five best movies of his career:
Sethu- Vikram struggled a lot in the initial period of his career. Sethu, directed by Bala was his biggest breakthrough and was a blockbuster, which was released in the year 1997. Vikram played the role of a college lover who falls in love with a Brahmin girl and goes into a self-destruction phase after their separation. This movie was also made in Hindi as Tere Naam with Salman Khan in the lead role.
Pithamagan- Pithamagan is Vikram’s second collaboration with director Bala. The film, which is based on Jayakanthan’s novel is a story of friendship between the lead characters. The movie was released in 2013 and Vikram earned his first National Award for his performance in the movie.
Sammy- The 2003 movie, Sammy directed by Hari was a blockbuster. Vikram plays a role of a cop and the movie has action, drama and romance. The film was also remade in other languages like Bengali, Telugu, Hindi and Kannada.
Anniyan- Anniyan, a 2005 movie directed by Shankar is regarded as one of the best movies of Vikram. The movie is about a man who wants to rights all the wrongs done in society and take various avatars for it. The film received various Filmfare Award, National Award for Best Special effects and Tamil Nadu State Film Award.
Also Read : Ranveer Singh to collaborate with Shankar for Hindi adaptation of ‘Anniyan’
I- I, a 2015 movie directed by Shankar shows different shades of Vikram. The movie is about a bodybuilder who becomes a top model and how he took revenge when he was injected with a disease. Vikram was praised for his performance.