Actor Hrithik Roshan will be summoned by Mumbai Crime Branch CIU (Crime Intelligence Unit) to record his statement in the 2016 Hrithik vs Kangana email case, says an article published by India Today.

In 2016, the ‘Krrish’ actor had filed a complaint alleging that someone impersonating him was emailing actor Kangana Ranaut from a bogus email id. The ‘Queen’ actor had then claimed that the email id was provided to her by the actor himself and they had been communicating through the same email id till 2014.

The Mumbai Crime branch’s Crime Intelligence Unit (CIU) is investigating the complaint filed by Hrithik in the case and will be issuing summons to him to come to the office to record the statement this week. 

In 2016, Hrithik had sent a legal notice to Kangana as she had referred to him as a silly ex in one of her social media posts. Hrithik had denied any kind of relationship with her. He also claimed that Kangana is sending him absurd emails. 

In 2016, the Cyber Cell had also taken Roshan’s laptop and phone for investigation reports India Today.

The two actors were seen together in films like ‘Kites’ and ‘Krrish 3’.

In December 2020, the case, which was earlier with the Cyber Cell of the Mumbai police, was transferred to CIU on a request made by Hrithik Roshan’s lawyer.