Bollywood actor Jacqueline Fernandez will have to face as many as 50 questions in connection with a Prevention of Money Laundering case lodged against multimillionaire conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar. She has been summoned by the Enforcement Directorate yet again and has been asked to appear before the investigators in Delhi on December 8.
Also Read: Jacqueline Fernandez appears before ED; records statement
“Enforcement Directorate (ED) has summoned actress Jacqueline Fernandez to appear before the investigators in Delhi on December 8th, in connection with Rs 200 crore extortion case involving conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar,” tweeted ANI.
The ED officials will record her statement at the MTNL office in Centre Delhi and according to reports, the questioning can go for more than five hours.
An LOC (look out circular) was issued against the actress by the authority concerned at the request of the ED. The agency had doubts that she might flee the country and hence they had written a letter to the authority concerned.
Also Read: Jacqueline Fernandez skips 3rd ED summons in PMLA case involving Sukesh Chandrashekar
On Sunday evening, she was about to catch a flight to come to Delhi when she was stopped at the Mumbai airport, reports IANS.
The ED had on Saturday filed a charge sheet under the PMLA Act naming a few Bollywood actors, including Jacqueline as witnesses. The court had taken cognisance of the charge sheet soon after it was filed and had asked the agency to supply the charge sheet copy to all the accused.
Also Read: ED issues fresh summons to actor Jacqueline Fernandez after she skips summons
The next date in the charge sheet matter is December 13. The ED officials were tight-lipped over the matter.
Amid the controversy, it is being said that she will be replaced from Salman Khan’s Da-Bangg tour as she cannot leave the country.